AmtrakAmtrak TipsAmtrak Routes With Observation CarsRobert Marmion2.4k views5Amtrak observation cars are the best way to see the country on long distance Amtrak trains. They provide a view...
Amtrak RoutesLake Shore LimitedAmtrak Lake Shore Limited Route GuideAllie Marmion3.7k views4Lake Shore Limited Overview The Amtrak Lake Shore Limited will take you from Chicago to New York or Boston. Along...
Amtrak RoutesCascadesAmtrak Cascades Route GuideAllie Marmion3.1k viewsThe Amtrak Cascades is a beautiful experience through the Pacific Northwest. Cascades will take you from Eugene, Oregon to Vancouver,...
Amtrak RoutesVermonterAmtrak Vermonter Route GuideAllie Marmion3k viewsThe Amtrak Vermonter replaced the overnight Montrealer which ran until 1995. It takes you right into ski country in Vermont....
Amtrak RoutesCity Of New OrleansAmtrak City Of New Orleans Route GuideAllie Marmion3.4k viewsCity Of New Orleans Overview The Amtrak City of New Orleans will take you from Chicago to New Orleans. This...
AdirondackAmtrak RoutesAmtrak Adirondack Route GuideAllie Marmion2.9k viewsAdirondack Route Overview The Amtrak Adirondack has daily departures from New York City to Montreal, Canada. Along the way you...
Amtrak RoutesWolverineAmtrak Wolverine Route GuideAllie Marmion2.6k viewsThe Amtrak Wolverine will take you from Chicago, Illinois to Pontiac, Michigan. This journey takes place three times a day...
Amtrak RoutesTexas EagleAmtrak Texas Eagle Route GuideAllie Marmion3.1k viewsThe Amtrak Texas Eagle is the longest route in the US. This is a classic Amtrak adventure. It will take...
Amtrak RoutesCrescentAmtrak Crescent Route GuideAllie Marmion3.1k viewsThe Amtrak Crescent is noted for it's journey to the American South. You will journey from New York to New...
Amtrak RoutesSunset LimitedAmtrak Sunset Limted Route GuideAllie Marmion3.1k viewsSunset Limited Route Overview The Amtrak Sunset Limited is a transcontinental route from New Orleans to Los Angeles. This route...