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What It’s Like In First Class On The Amtrak Acela

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Ready for a ride on the Acela

We were excited to find out for ourselves what it’s like in first class on the Amtrak Acela. It is a very popular train often used between Boston and New York City but also used for travel to Washington DC. You will find one by two seating, ideal for a single person traveling or for two people traveling together. There is also conference table style seating ideal for 2 people or 4 people, where passengers face each other.

Amtrak Acela First Class Seating
Acela First Class 2 Person Conference Table Seating
Amtrak Acela First Class Seating
Acela First Class 4 Person Conference Style Table Seating

What Is First Class Like On Amtrak Acela

There are a lot of advantages to a first class seat on Amtrak Acela. You will find only two classes on Amtrak Acela, Business Class and First Class. There is no Coach Class on the Acela. One of the big differences between Business Class and First Class is the meal service. You will get whatever meal corresponds with your time of service. You will also receive complimentary beverages while on board. The seats are incredibly comfortable as well as spacious. On board the Amtrak Acela, you will enjoy complimentary WiFi and AC outlets to charge your electronics. The extra large tray tables are great to get some work done on your trip.

The menu is similar to Amtrak Flexible Dining, but has a few different choices as well. Our car attendant gave us the choice of having the food microwaved quickly, or cooked properly. We took the later option, and the food was great!

Read our Amtrak Acela route guide for tips and information on riding the Acela.

Amtrak Acela First Class Food Menu
Amtrak Acela Food Menu
Amtrak Acela First Class Drink Menu
Acela First Class Drink Menu

Another great advantage of riding First Class on the Acela is the ability to go into the Amtrak Metropolitan Lounges before your trip. This is especially true if leaving from New York, where the Moynihan Train Hall Metropolitan Lounge is the best in the country. Lounges are also good in Boston and Washington D.C.

New York Metropolitan Lounge

What Car Is First Class On Amtrak Acela

The first class car on Amtrak Acela is either the first car or the last car on this six car train. You will find forward and backward facing seats. Be sure to note this when booking your seat if you don’t want to face away from the direction of travel. Single seats can be switched and are usually forward facing on each train.

A Review Of Amtrak’s Acela Express In First Class

As mentioned above, there are lots of advantages to booking a first class seat over a business class seat. Not only do you get your meals and beverages with your ticket purchase but you get incredible service. The first class staff is exceptional. One of the fun things on the Acela is to be on the fastest train in Amtrak’s fleet. while on board we reached a maximum speed of 150mph! It was a new experience to ride a train going that fast in the US. Overall, we found this to be very enjoyable and a bit better experience than the business class seats.

If you purchase your tickets early you can get First Class seats without paying a high premium versus Business Class. Tickets in First Class from Washington D.C. to Boston start at $214, and are cheaper if you go a shorter distance.

To book a tickets for Amtrak Acela First Class seats, use our Amtrak ticket booking guide. It will help you to purchase tickets at the lowest price. Amtrak also runs sales and discounts on most routes.

For more information on Amtrak trains check out our Amtrak Tips page and for videos check out our YouTube Channel.

Allie Marmion
Allie is married to Rob and has been traveling with him across the world for the last two years. She is an accomplished personal trainer, speaker and author.